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UI/UX Research


During my summer internship, I had the opportunity to help redesign a company's website to improve the overall user experience. I assisted in researching the application as the platform was confusing, difficult to navigate, and missing features, according to several users. This experience taught me the importance of user feedback, the process of UX design, and the collaborative effort required to create a successful user-centered application.

Website Redesign

Internship (Summer 2023)

Roles and Responsibilities: 

  1. User Research: ​​Collaborated with my team members to develop interview scripts, questions, and surveys to understand the platform's issues and expectations. 

  2. Data Collection: Mapped out the typical user journey on the website to identify points for improvement using Microsoft's Application Insights. Collected data to tailor design decisions accordingly based on the user flow. 

  3. Prototyping: Created interactive prototypes that focused on design concepts to ensure intuitive navigation and seamless interactions with the application.

  4. Usability Testing: Organized usability testing and collected feedback on the redesigned website functionality, layout, and user-friendliness. 

  5. Design: Made adjustments based on usability tests to improve the user journey and address specific issues mentioned by users. Refined visual elements to create a cohesive interface.

In the end, the redesigned website received positive feedback from users, who reported that the application was easier to use and navigate. 

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